Friday, December 31, 2010



For several weeks now I have been writing, praying, wishing folks a “Happy New Year”. Now I am having second thoughts about that expression. Not that I am taking anything back, but Charlie wonders about the words.  (Martha reminds me that I often get hung up on words). The new year is a reality I don’t quarrel with.  But what does the “happy” mean.  For some it means have a blast, a party.  Even the common New Year’s Day hangover is not a total waste.  It reminds one at the start of the year the pain and discomfort that accompany shortcuts to “happiness.”  Maybe happy means your football team wins (Yeah OU, OSU and Spurs!) Maybe it is a wish for more and tastier food. Or does it refer to the entire coming  year. Some refer to the year 2011 specifically.  But to wish anyone a whole year of happiness? Now we have left reality unless we are wishing they would die and go to heaven. But to live out the coming year in a state of perfect bliss with no episodes of unhhappiness is fantasy. Whatever happens in 2011 will be just that.  Only our reactions to what happens determines our level of happiness. Maybe I could just pray that we all might look at whatever happens through the loving eyes of God and know that then our responses will produce the joy and peace that God desires for us.

Monday, December 13, 2010


“O Holy Night . . . Long lay the world in sin and error pining ‘til He appeared and the soul felt its worth”. At our house we are learning that as the body/ mind ages and slows down we are blessed with the time that helps us enjoy our God-given essence. We are giving up trying to explain these discoveries of our inner being except to say it feels wonderful.  
We are further blessed with friends and family that enrich our lives almost daily. Nearly thirty of of our grown children, in-laws and partners, grandchildren, great-grandchildren live in our San Antonio-Austin neighborhood plus Kathy and her family in Oklahoma and Washington D. C. (where Crystal passed her bar exam). We are love rich.
This year most of us got together for Charles’ 80th birthday party and again for Kathy’s visit to San Antonio this fall.  In September Charles and Martha got away to New Orleans to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary and Martha’s 78th birthday.  Kimi and Keri did their own version of escape with a trip to Europe and a cruise on the Med.  
As another year draws to a close and as more of our family and friends depart, we are aware of the impermanence of everything and that by accepting this reality we are making the most of freed-up spirits and the heaven that Jesus said is among us.  So its on to celebrating His coming and making joyful life  possible. Won’t you join us with a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.?         

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Recently, on the way into Bible Study, a friend greeted me and asked casually and sincerely, “How are you?” I answered, “I am . . .” I then paused and felt confused as I searched for a word to finish my sentence. I could too easily have answered with the usual “fine”, or  “never been better,” or “can’t complain” (before proceding to do so).  With this particular friend I could have answered, “better than you” but that would only elicit a challenge from him.  Actuallly, after the “I am", I instinctively said “that’s enough. Just I am period.” I could do no better than that. In Exodus God told Moses, “I AM!”  St. Paul said, “By the grace of God I am. . .”  Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life.”  Even Popeye said repeatedly, I yam what I yam and that’s all that I yam.” My friend and I both understand that our “amness”, (essence, being, life,soul) is a gift from God.We are are gifts of grace as Paul says. 'Nuf said for now.  

Sunday, November 28, 2010



Today I literally wrap up a project started over a year ago.  I am sending to The Vietnam Archives at Texas Tech University my memorabilia, writings, pictures, books and letters.  This is a small step in cleaning out the clutter in my office and storage room. What is more import, perhaps, I can review and put behind me again, some experiences that reallly do belong in the past. I have not given this era much thought for years and now I am summarizing it from a more objective space. What I realize from this review is that the perspective I had of that war was not only vastly different from that of people who have not been there and equally different from all peacetime perceptions. As soon as we label some others “evil” and ourselves “good”, all understanding, reason and communication is distorted. This does not mean there is no such thing as good and evil, but that we rarely have adequate data for making such a judgement. (Only God has it). Hence we prejudge (prejudice) and operate on the facts and rumors we have. What this project can mean today is that I have a renewed appreciation for what our troops are going through and pray for their safety.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Last week I read an editorial by a minister who listed the real problems facing our country, the variety of (usually) emotion-driven proposed solutions, and his own suggestion for  approaching the issues and each other.  He said we need a “NON-ANXIOUS PRESENCE.”  That phrase took me back thirty-five years when  Martha and I were studying and teaching family-systems. One quote that I find in my memory file is a comment by the noted biologist and family systems theorist, Murrary Bowen. He said that we will be doing well in our family-of-origin visits if we can maintain a non-anxious presence for as long as five minutes.  As I remember, he confessed that he could not do that. So strong is the pull to get in line with what the family needs us to be instead of seeing us as we are. I have a hard enough time realizing who I am instead of who I imagine myself to be.  At midlife I wrote about my own experience with that in my  book, Laying the Roles to Rest.  Today, as we plan family get-togethers for the holidays, I  might have opportunities to focus on who each of us is now, how we are all changing, how I can enjoy each “new being” in the present and the peace that brings.  

Monday, October 18, 2010


The buried alive miners in Chilli are resurrected and the world rejoices with them.  Now  we turn our attention to two new frightening events--Halloween and the national elections, both featuring the scarers and the scared. Scaring each other and being scared are Halloween games we play in costumes and masks. Except for those making big bucks off of it, this holiday is mainly play. So we have crowds at haunted houses, costumed parties, and scary movies. It’ s all great fun, just plain play. On the other hand, the elections are deadly serious (except for those clever, blessed humorists that help us laugh at ourselves). Character assassination, for example, is not play.  Both of these big events dramatize our normal craziness, the dysfunction of the human race (sin). Our fear leads us along a predictable slippery slope. We begin with name-calling, then slide on down to yelling and screaming and then phyical violence. But the Bible teaches us how to stop this very human reaction to our insecurity: “mature love casts out fear.”                                                                                                                                                           

Monday, October 11, 2010

Charlie Wonders: SASHA THE TEACHER

Charlie Wonders: SASHA THE TEACHER: "Meet our live-in teacher, Sasha. She instructs us by meaningful behavior and congruent non-verbals. She gets her basic needs met through..."


Meet our live-in teacher, Sasha.  She instructs us by meaningful behavior and congruent non-verbals.  She gets her basic needs met through polite, but persistent requests for help--showing us effective ways to ask for help. Her most effective subject is unconditional love, perhaps because she has no opinions, no judgmentalism, makes no demands (except at 7 a.m. and 5: p.m).  All she needs from us is almost constant attention and loads of affection.  She even makes that easy for us by positioning herself where we can hold or support her with little effort on our part.  She teaches us the art of simplicity as she lives in the “now,” meaning she holds no grudges or unrealistic expectations.  She shows us the virtue of patience, waiting hours some days in the window for us to return home. She reminds us to exercise, eager to take us on our walks and encouraging us to pick up the pace.  This morning I was doing a little yoga-- my version of downward-facing dog.  I opened my eyes and Sasha was facing me , two inches from my face, looking perplexed.  I must not have been doing the dog part right.  She growled softly and I gave up.  I will learn and, as I said, she is patient with us.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Maybe it is because I really am getting old and tired, but Charlie wonders where all the energy for warfare is coming from.  It is too negative and hostile to be God-breathed. It seems to be driven more by fear than love.  Is it from ego-driven greed or anger? Energy is energy so it has no moral qualities. On those rare occasions when I breathe deeply and go into the stillness within, I can sense a quiet energy. Here I can experience the Christ within. Here is the peace He promised us, the subtle force of love, humility, compassion, truth. In this quiet space there is no conflict. For now, at least, it is only win-win. The Chinese military genius Sun Tzu said, “You’ll win the fight if you avoid the fight.”

Saturday, October 2, 2010



Martha sometimes reminds me that I have often expressed my desire for balance throughout our 58 years together. This is September, the season of balance or equinox.  The clarity of daytime hours are equal to the nighttime mysteries. High energy daylight is balanced by restful, healing of the dark. One is not superior to the other.  They are just different gifts.  They are, as the word “equinox” reminds us, equal. Ecclesiastes says, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose.” Where  joy and peace are concerned only the present--regardless of what the clock says--is the preferred place. So right now I am at peace.  Crisp and energizing mornings.  Warm, nurturing afternoons. So Charlie wonders if his love of balance and equity is what has made his life situation (including finances, politics and religion) turn in a more moderate direction. This does not lead me to simply find the middle ground and stay there. Those of us who choose to walk down the center of the road  are not playing it safe. We get rocks thrown at us from both sides of the street.  Aristotle pointed out that eating 100 pounds of food a day was obviously too much. Eating no food at all was obviously too little. Therefore, to eat fifty pounds of food a day was not the moderate alternative!

Monday, September 27, 2010


This morning I postponed my morning coffee long enough to be stimulated by listening to Chopin. The trick for me is to be fully present with the music, especially the time-tested classical kind. Any music that is literal takes me away from the music itself. Questions such as, what is the name of that tune? Or when was it written? Or what does this remind me of? This distracts me from being completely into the music. I can’t become too fascinated with the musician's style, or chord progressions, or how they make the instrument swell or diminish, etc. I say I want to get into the music as totally as I can. Or is it my goal to let the music get into me as deeply as it can. Some music feeds my soul while other music just moves my body. I don’t need to swing and sway, stomp, rock and roll or wave my hands or hips. Since I love almost all music, there will be plenty of opportunities for this action. To be fully open to the music to do its thing within me, everything around me needs to be as quiet as possible, peaceful and serene. The life energy I find within me is far more stimulating than even coffee--at least for today.

Friday, September 24, 2010


I am excited about this coming Sunday’s theme, the cosmos. Our pastor has invited us to imagine the ramifications of Colossians where Christ is praised as the supreme power over the cosmos. For the Apostle Paul, Christ is the image of the invisible God and is supreme over all created things. The whole universe has been created through him and for him. All things are held together in him. Through him God chose to reconcile the whole universe to himself.” (Col:1:15-20) Here is where my imagination has to kick in. In the face of the immense universe, Charlie has to start wondering. The whole unfathomable scene is a divine mystery. Only God’s amazing grace through Christ baffles me more. I hear the figures describing the immensity of the cosmos, but it is beyond me (so to speak) and I can’t get my mind around it. One problem I have in imagining the infinite is that I have to acknowledge how tiny I and my world are. From our earthly perspective it is all so confusing. I said I saw the sunset this evening, but, of course, I didn’t because it didn’t. Another challenging imaginary picture coming from the truth that in Christ all things are held together is that all of us as created beings are intimately related to each other. No room here for our traditional us versus them dichotomy. Talk about inclusion!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why Does Charlie Wonder?

Why does Charlie wonder? Doesn’t he KNOW? Hasn’t he lived by Paul’s affirmation: “I couldn’t be more sure of my ground--the One I’ve trusted in right to the end”? Hasn’t Charlie even sung this message since he was a teenager beginning with: “I know not why God’s wondrous grace to me He has made known. . . .” That assurance of God’s love and care has never wavered, but the more I trust and know God, the more I wonder at God’s work throughout the cosmos. The divine mystery grows and fascinates me in multiple ways. Where would Christianity be--where would any religion be--without wonder, awe, amazement and mystery? Thank God I do not know it all.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


WHEN I ASK WHO AM I NOW? I’m wondering who “I am” really as opposed to who I think I am (ego) and “now” as opposed to who I once was or who I may be in the future. When I work through this little process I find I am in a very delightful, more loving, peaceful place. I experience God in places I never thought to look before. I see interconnectedness instead of separation and division. What a break!
It helps to also ask myself: “What matters to me now that did not matter so much in previous stages of life?” Here the emphasis is on presence as opposed to living in the past or the future. Again there is great relief in being myself in the only time I have or need to have.
Here and now in this quiet, peaceful space I breathe deeply and experience spirit, I imagine God is doing it--again filling me with the life-giving breath
given to every living being. Being aware of this common spiritual bond I am enabled and directed toward a more loving relationship as I connect with others who are being themselves in their present moment. I am more likely to treat them as I would want to be treated. And that, it seems to me is the essence of the Jesus ethic.


CHARLIE WONDERS ABOUT HIS PLACE in the world’s turmoil of the last few years. He wonders how it is that we can send several hundred of our most “successful” leaders to Washington where, instead of solving conflicts they choose up sides and fight among themselves. This “American way” guarantees that no creative, collaborative solutions will emerge. On second thought maybe they do just reflect the collective unconscious (mostly negative and sometimes hostile) of the rest of us.
It is probably just as well that I no longer have a lectern from which to try to support peace and love. In today’s hostile climate I could inadvertently become a part of the above divisions instead of encouraging the needed consensus. At my age-affected body/mind/spirit I should probably not even be roaming around on this page without adult supervision. On my better days I am able to take an R&R from the conflict and live in the blessed presence God has provided all of us. All it takes is the awareness of God’s grace. Then I can relax and better discern what I can do to promote togetherness.


WHEN I ASK WHO AM I NOW? I’m wondering who “I am” really as opposed to who I think I am (ego) and “now” as opposed to who I once was or who I may be in the future. When I work through this little process I find I am in a very delightful, more loving, peaceful place. I experience God in places I never thought to look before. I see interconnectedness instead of separation and division. What a break!
It helps to also ask myself: “What matters to me now that did not matter so much in previous stages of life?” Here the emphasis is on presence as opposed to living in the past or the future. Again there is great relief in being myself in the only time I have or need to have.
Here and now in this quiet, peaceful space I breathe deeply and experience spirit, I imagine God is doing it--again filling me with the life-giving breath
given to every living being. Being aware of this common spiritual bond I am enabled and directed toward a more loving relationship as I connect with others who are being themselves in their present moment. I am more likely to treat them as I would want to be treated. And that, it seems to me is the essence of the Jesus ethic.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Charlie Wonders: CAJUN SURPRISE!

Charlie Wonders: CAJUN SURPRISE!: "CAJUN SURPRISE! file:///Users/charlesprewitt/Pictures/iPhoto%20Library/Originals/2008/Jan%208,%202008/100_0736.JPG We had hardly begun ou..."




We had hardly begun our 58th anniversary/Martha’s birthday trip to New Orleans when we experienced a serendipity in Lafayette, Louisiana.  Spending the night there and well-rested, we found the Jean Lafitte National Park museum and movie documentary that introduced us to the spirit and history of the Acadian people. All we had known of them before this  trip was the Cajun dances and food exhibited each year in San Antonio’s folk life festival and the reading in high school of Evangeline.  Now we discovered a highly spiritual, courageous, adaptive and determined people whose life had never been very comfortable for long.  Yet they were in a few short hours highly inspirational for us.  It left us desiring to learn much more and will someday be worth another trip. Charlie wonders how many more of God’s people could provide such inspiration if he could just get to know them.  All of them I suspect. 

Monday, September 6, 2010


     AT MY AGE, I’M TOLD, IT IS IMPORTANT  FOR MY HEALTH TO KEEP USING MY BRAIN. EVEN THOUGH MY THINKING IS SLOWER, MY MEMORY IS WEAKENING, MY CONCENTRATION IS SHORT AND MY CREATIVITY IS CHALLENGED, I MUST FIND  WAYS TO KEEP MY MIND ACTIVE AND FLEXIBLE SO I’M LEARNING NEW WAYS TO USE A NEW COMPUTER AND I BLOG.  While it is easier to just keep on rehashing the same old thoughts, repeating what I have always heard, and believing what I was told to believe, my inner spirit (not concerned with age) wants to awaken, so I blog.  I have been conditioned to read, pray, learn, and grow so I can preach, teach, counsel, and consult with others more effectively.  Now without a pulpit, lectern or couch, I still have to share something. So I excerse my faith and imagine someone out there is reading this and I blog.  
Using that same imagination, I can fancy myself a writer. A well-known author said, “A writer is distinguished by the fact that he writes.”  So I blog.  Specificallly, I write the blog “Charlie Wonders,” because I am curious. I try putting into words some experiences and things thast intrigue me.  So I blog on.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


     When the weather outside is frightful, Martha and I get some of our exersize the way old folk often do. We walk the mall. Last week with both of us havving separate commitments, I wound up at the mall by myself.  Not to be cheated out of my walk, I took off alone.  Soon I realized I was not alone at all.  There were hundreds of people of all ages, sizes. colors. and physical condition walking the mall, shopping, hanging out.  To entertain myself I wondered what it would be like to meet with accepting eyes each person that passed me.  Key word: accepting.  By definition this means to me I would try to see them without judgement.  I allowed myself no descriptions such as cute, ugly, stylish, gross, stupid, intelligent, fat, thin, etc.  This little experiment of course was to serve no great purpose. It was just to take people the way they are.  So far as I could tell it had no effect on them at all. If they even looked at me (which was rare) they would not read much in my expression.  This was a serious study and I had to remain focussed! It was my own game of solitaire.  While nothing was happening in them, to be this intentionally accepting of that many of God's creations for forty-five minutes, had a profound effect on me.  I found as I walked an inner peace, joy,and love for all humans far beyond those hundreds of my traveling pilgrims.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


When asked, “How are you?” these days, I use the line, “I’m doing great! -- But I do have some parts that are not functioning properly.”  In order to communicate more seriously with my primary physician and others who want a more precise answer, I listed the parts that needed repair.  They include as of this writing at almost seventy-eight years: hearing, balance, shortness of breath, skin problems, shakiness, restless leg syndrome/periodic multiple limb disorder, lower back pain, difficulty concentration, memory loss, gastro esophageal reflux/Barrett’s disease including voice problems (singing and speaking), insomnia, fatigue/weakness, controlled hypertension, sleep apnea, and frequent cough. After listing these I am tempted to add one more—hypochondriac. (This short list does not include parts affected by prostrate cancer 12 years ago. I have learned to live with those handicaps. The operative word is live since I thought I was through living when first diagnosed with cancer.)
The quick diagnosis of all this is “aging", but as a long-time believer in wholeness, I am curious about how these symptoms interrelate and feed off each other.  Can I connect the dots and get the big picture?  If so, will that give me a clearer understanding of “how I am.” Is there a root cause of these symptoms and perhaps something I can do about it?
I am learning that the eye bone is connected to the head bone, the leg bone is connected to the head bone and the ear bone is connected to the head bone; now hear the word of the Lord. I can never be well balanced without my senses and the brain communicating and cooperating with each other.  
Checking out my ears started the ball rolling and the wall moving by showing me that I was not only losing my hearing, but the silly cilia in my middle ear might be connected to loss of balance. My ENT doctor referred me to physical therapy to learn how to walk again and prepared me for walking a strait line should the patrolman request that I do so. Physical therapy also showed me just how inflexible and weak I really had become. My slow walking gait was not just laziness. It partially explained some of my “falls without grace” on the tennis court and doing yard work. The dot connecting mystery must be continued in all my other systems.  
Speaking of tennis, my doubles partner/wife often noticed long before I did that I was “out of it” and should get off the court. This is not to be confused with all the times she just wished I were off of her side of the court.  Now my stare and slower-than-usual reaction time mean my concentration and strength are depleted. These dots remain to be put in place in the puzzle, but we have a psychiatrist friend who thinks I may be dealing with “minimum cognitive impairment.”  Perhaps too minimum to show up on my recent brain scan. My ENT doctor reported the MRI indicated my brain was good for life (but failed to mention how long that would be.)  Close friends have already indicated that I am overusing my “minimum cognitive impairment” excuse for mistakes I make at cards and conversation. You use what you got.
With seventeen sessions of physical therapy, my strength, flexibility and reaction time in off-balance situations improved a bit.  My shortness of breath (air hunger) and frequent cough remained as isolated dots.  
I did very well with the lung test in the pulmonary clinic. Inhaling and exhaling in the machine showed that I was both a sucker and a blowhard. 
My restless leg syndrome may be connected to my insomnia that is connected to daytime sleepiness and fatigue.  Spending a restless night at the sleep lab was a waste. I was sent there because I couldn’t sleep.  I failed the sleep test in the lab three times because I didn’t sleep enough. Catch 22. I finally got the bad news: I stop breathing forty times every hour. The good news: I also start breathing 40 times every hour.  I now sleep with a contraption on my face that forces me to breathe clean air and won’t let me stop breathing. When I am not thinking about or fiddling with that foreign appendage clamped on my nose, I get some uninterrupted sleep.  
I would like to understand more about the dots that need to be better connected in my brain and how that affects all the above. Those neurotransmitters, synapses, etc. are another story. I was never good at chemistry or electronics. 
Maybe my gastrointestinal doctor could help with some of this puzzle. He picked up on the possibility that the medicine he had me on might have run its course and changed that.  He also recommended another endoscope exam to see what is going on in my esophagus that may be connected to my coughing, hoarseness and difficulty in talking. (Not to be confused with saying the right things.) 
So step right up folks.  Get your tickets for the amazing Deep Throat show! Move right into the tent.  The show is about to start. Here he is: the death-defying sword swallower. He’s daring. He is fearless.  He’s fast asleep!  Oh well. The show must go on.  They ram the tube down my throat and later the biopsy shows nothing changed in last 2 and a half years. My gurds is no better, but no worse. Keep taking the meds. Just to be sure, he ordered an examination of my colon. These pipes were a little rusty, but functioning.  Whatever bumps there are in there are benign.
I saw a neurologist who basically relieved my fears of Parkinson’s disease and worse neurological terrors, I’m not on that track, just getting older and some foot and leg nerves are wearing thin. We do still need to buy some new cups, saucers and plates.  The ones we have make my hands shake.
The older I get the more I see not only my dots getting connected, but all my experiences, coming together to form a whole.  I now believe Jesus is just as interested in saving wholes as souls. That being the case, with the help of the Great Physician and many of his colleagues, I hope to keep patching up my whole body, mind and soul for as many years or days as I have left. Then after the Great Transition, I look forward to having whatever parts I need in perfect working order.  Thanks to God I will still be doing just great!
Charlie Prewitt

Ramadan Visit

      Last night Martha and I with eight of our church friends attended a Ramadan Iftar dinner at the Raindrop Turkish House in San Antonio. The dinner prepared for non-Islamic guests was an excellent interfaith opportunity to meet and have fellowship with Islamic citizens as they broke their day-long fast. We learned from and experienced with them some of their cultural and religious traditions and rituals. We saw first-hand how helpful it can be to commune across the barriers that have created misunderstanding among those of us raised in the West.
     In a recent blog I spoke of my Baptist identity and especially treasured the part of my background and training that values cultural and religious diversity.  It goes back for me at least to four years old with my very Baptist mother teaching me to sing: "Jesus loves the little children; all the children of the world' red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight."  So the Baptist heritage I treasure and try to practice is not the narrow kind that operate on the belief that all the other people of the world are not precious to him.
     For the last eighteen years we have enjoyed associating with a neighborhood Lutheran  Church that practices radical hospitality.  Hence the outreach to this Islamic group. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Still clearing out the clutter

KNOWING WHO I AM NOW makes my pilgrimage easier.  It shows me the baggage I can get rid of.   I notice things that once contributed to my identity (or my ego) but do not fit my present sense of self. Achievements, mistakes, successes, failures, trophies, degrees, awards, decorations, promotions and passovers, no longer define me.  They did contribute to who I am now and that feels great. My colleagues/friends remember how often I quoted, “If you like who you are now, don’t curse the road that got you there.”
Today, however, I lighten my load by cleaning out my office.  Decisions!  Decisions! 

Saturday, August 21, 2010


At midlife I wrote a book, "Laying the Roles to Rest", as part of clarifying where I had come from and what I had become. Now at 80 years of age I am raising a similar question: Who Am I Now? I hope this blog will help me begin to answer that. Well into my retirement years and with the blessing of time to give to this enterprise, I am beginning to get some answers. Aging has not changed the endgame, but it does me move me closer to it. It certainly changes the game plan and the equipment. So who am I now?

Many times in my journey I expressed my desire for more freedom. I did not always know freedom from what, to do what, or for what. In the words of a popular song from my youth, it was just "Don't Fence Me In."

I especially resonated with the New Testament emphasis on freedom. The Apostle Paul said clearly, "Freedom is what we have--Christ has set us free." Accordingly,that is what kept me a Baptist. The freedom Baptists stood for historically included the freedoms of conscience and religious liberty. I experienced disillusionment and grief when my denomination split over  these values. I still treasure these values. I am pleased that at this stage of life, I am free to explore more of what God is doing in all religions and faith groups. That is exciting.

What I look for now is worship space that provides for unity, inclusiveness, love, service and understanding. In my private spiritual space (including daily soul-searching time with Martha), I value dropping below the surface of a world in conflict where in my transparency I can be free to be me and less controlled by my ego. WhenI can allow that to happen I experience more joy, peace, grace and God. In that space of spiritual freedom and awareness I can now know what God is calling me to be and do in community and relations with others.