Saturday, September 3, 2011


Lord, I confess to an addiction. I have this addiction to having to be right even when it seems to make others wrong.  I have to be right even to the extent of denying the deeper truth. I recognize this as a product  of my ego when my deeper self encourages me to break this habit. Time and time again I settle for the  easy road of using my own beliefs to justify my positions and look for someone else's opinions that seem to justify my own.  In my relationship to you  I use proof texts in the Bible in the same way.  In my saner moments I know you are "The way, the truth and the life". I need to know you more than I need to know what others have said about you (There has been so much confusion about you in the last 2,000 years).
I need you to be my way, my truth and my life. Help me go within myself, past the mind chatter and into the quiet.  There I experience being "still and knowing God". I'm home.

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